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Roberta's Place, Inc.

The services provided by Roberta's Place are based upon a set of beliefs and values we hold about the world and the people in it.  This philosophy guides our approach to working with victims and their children.  The beliefs also sustain us as we work with the community to achieve our goals.

Everyone has a right to live free from the fear of abuse and assault.  It is one's right to live in peace.

No one deserves to be beaten, battered or abused.  Abuse includes any tactic used to establish and maintain control over another individual, such as physical, sexual, verbal, economic, and emotional abuse, or the use of threats and intimidation.

Assault and battery and rape are against the law.  They are crimes whether they are committed by a stranger or a loved one.  Under no circumstances is violence an acceptable response to frustration, anger, irritation, or the need to control.

The victim does not cause or provoke the abuser's violent behavior.  Victims may make their partners angry, but they do not make them violent.

Violence IS A CHOICE THE ABUSER MAKES. Abusers are responsible for their own violent behavior.  Other factors (substance abuse, childhood victimization, current stresses) may be relevant, but are not the cause and cannot be used as an excuse for violent and abusive behavior.

Since domestic violence is not a relationship nor a communication problem, we do not promote couples counseling as an initial intervention.  Couples counseling takes responsibility away from the abuser and further endangers the victim.  Couples counseling is indicatied only after the abuser has taken full responsibility for the abusive behavior and stops it, and only if both partners want to continue the relationship.

Most often it is the victim who must take the first step to end the abuse, whether it is to call the police, get a restraining order, and leave her partner or some other action which lets the abuser know that his behavior is unacceptable.

We acknowledge the physical, emotional, and financial obstacles the victims must overcome in either making decisions or taking steps to end the abuse in their lives.

Victims have the right and the capacity to make their own decisions.

We do not make decisions for people:  we empower and support them in their decisions!

If you are not familiar with our program and your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to help.

In brief, you should know the following about us: our program was established in 1996 and had been responsible for providing domestic violence services ever since. Our business is located at 805 E Roosevelt, Grants NM.